
Single Handed Sailor

screen shot of Justin from Adventure-Journal

I recently learned about a man named Dustin Reynolds, the single handed sailor…

Single Handed Sailor

Thoughts going into the weekend

Every time you think you got dealt a shitty hand, or life is kinda tough, just know there is a man out there, right now named Dustin Reynolds. He is over 40 years old, and was hit by a drunk driver a few years ago.

He’s missing an arm and a leg, and is just getting on with it lately by SOLO circumnavigating Earth on his beat up sail boat without proper equipment or finances.

He taught himself how to sail boats watching YouTube videos.

I turned 40 when I was in Sri Lanka. And from there I stopped in Chagos and then Madagascar, Mozambique and South Africa, where I went around the Cape of Good Hope.

Then I flew to Chile to crew on a boat to Antarctica and Cape Horn on the way back. I sailed across the Atlantic and turned 41 on Ascension Island.

More people go to space orbiting earth than to Ascension and Chagos, and I knocked two of them off the list in one year, plus the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn and Antarctica.
–Dustin Reynolds

Dustin Reynolds quote

Thanks to Jeff Moag for the interview of Dustin Reynolds, posted to Adventure-Journal 2019-12-18.


Adventure Journal Archive:

Single Handed Sailor:

Chasing Bubbles, full-length documentary film chronicling a Round The World sailing mission: