
Research Blog

words and images by RTWM

Philharmonic Concert 2021-02-06

Orchestra Concert on Saturday February 6th, 2021. Audio Recording by RTWM.io Part 1 Round the World Man · Part 1 - Philharmonic Orchestra 2021-02-06 Part 2 Round the World Man · Part 2 - Philharmonic Orchestra 2021-02-06 Sound Cloud Audio Locations https://soundcloud.com/roundtheworldman/part-1-philharmonic-orchestra https://soundcloud.com/roundtheworldman/part-2-philharmonic-orchestra

Merge Multiple PDF files on MacOS

Open the PDFs that you want to combine in Preview.app In each document, choose View > Thumbnails to show page thumbnails in the sidebar. Press and hold the Command key ⌘, select the page thumbnails that you want to add to the other document, then release the key. Drag the selected thumbnails into the sidebar of the other PDF, then release where you want them to appear. Note: If you’re using macOS Sierra or earlier, drag the thumbnails directly onto a thumbnail in the other PDF.

Overview of Recent Western Societal Trends and Extreme Contrasts

Since the end of 2018 through the present in June 2020, I have spent a lot of time studying several non-traditional sources of societal and intergender dynamic opinions.
I have outlined some recent notes below. Compilation prepared by RTWM.io

Bitwarden At One Year

I’ve been using and experimenting with Bitwarden as a password vault for about one year now. Historically, I’ve been against password managers, as they have just never made me feel that the risk was worth the reward. I could go on ad nauseam about the various reasons, but will just say that the various LastPass breaches, etc. never made me feel that I was missing out. I reluctantly gave in to trying one out in early 2018.

Why I do not use Gemini

Introduction Many services think or operate with a model that believes telephone number is a valid way to prove something like ‘Identity’ or Residency, etc. A telephone number is not a guarantee of “know your customer”, identity, or residency. Letter To Support Dear Gemini Support Team, I’m unable to complete my registration at this time because the 2 Factor Auth process on your web site does not let me scan a QR code directly with the Authy app on my iOS phone.