I recently watched the new film Deep Web, as it was just released last Sunday eve on…
(You can watch it for free there if you create a trial account.)
I really liked the flickering text they have on the home page.
So far I have come up with some SVG I found, but there is what seems to be an
important JavaScript overlay piece that that I’m missing that does the actual
Here is the render without the flicker, just pure SVG:
Below is the code from the home page of the site that makes the render with flicker as far as I can tell.
<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" width="772.9px" height="115.1px" viewBox="0 0 772.9 115.1" xml:space="preserve" class="style0"><style>.style0{enable-background: new 0 0 772.9 115.1;}</style><style type="text/css">.st0{fill:#FFFFFF;}</style><g><path class="st0" d="M0 0h22.7c15.1 0 27.1 5.1 36.2 15.4C68 25.6 72.5 39.7 72.5 57.6c0 18.3-4.6 32.4-13.8 42.4 c-9.2 10-21 15-35.4 15H0V0z M13.4 103.4h9.5c10.9 0 19.6-4 25.9-12.2c6.4-8.1 9.5-19.3 9.5-33.7c0-14.2-3.2-25.5-9.6-33.6 c-6.4-8.2-15-12.3-25.9-12.3h-9.5V103.4z"/><path class="st0" d="M164.1 115.1H104V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M264.4 115.1h-60.1V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M304.5 0h29.2c11 0 19.9 2.8 26.5 8.3c6.6 5.5 9.9 13.2 9.9 22.9c0 9.8-3.3 17.6-9.9 23.4 c-6.6 5.8-15.3 8.8-26 8.8h-16.4v51.6h-13.4V0z M317.9 51.8h14.5c15.7 0 23.6-6.6 23.6-19.7c0-6.1-2.1-11-6.4-14.8 c-4.3-3.8-9.8-5.6-16.5-5.6h-15.2V51.8z"/><path class="st0" d="M580.7 0l-14.7 115.1h-12.4l-19.6-64.8l-19.5 64.8h-12.7L487.5 0h13.2l9.7 93.5l17-56.6h13.4l17 56.8L567.7 0 H580.7z"/><path class="st0" d="M665.2 115.1h-60.1V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M748.4 51.9c7.7 1.8 13.7 5.3 18 10.4c4.3 5.2 6.5 11.3 6.5 18.4c0 10.4-3.8 18.8-11.4 25s-16.7 9.3-27.4 9.3 h-32.7V0h31.9c11.1 0 19.8 2.4 26 7.3c6.3 4.9 9.4 11.7 9.4 20.6c0 5.4-1.8 10.3-5.4 14.5s-8.6 7.3-15 9.2V51.9z M714.9 45.7h15.7 c16.4 0 24.5-5.8 24.5-17.5c0-5.3-2-9.4-6-12.3c-4-2.9-9.9-4.3-17.7-4.3h-16.5V45.7z M714.9 103.4h15.2c8.9 0 15.9-2 21.1-6 c5.2-4 7.8-9.5 7.8-16.6c0-7.4-2.6-13.2-7.7-17.3c-5.1-4.1-12.5-6.1-22.2-6.1h-14.2V103.4z"/></g></svg>