
Testing Deep Web SVG


I recently watched the new film Deep Web, as it was just released last Sunday eve on…

(You can watch it for free there if you create a trial account.)
I really liked the flickering text they have on the home page.
So far I have come up with some SVG I found, but there is what seems to be an important JavaScript overlay piece that that I’m missing that does the actual flicker.

Here is the render without the flicker, just pure SVG:

Below is the code from the home page of the site that makes the render with flicker as far as I can tell.

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="1.1" x="0px" y="0px" width="772.9px" height="115.1px" viewBox="0 0 772.9 115.1" xml:space="preserve" class="style0"><style>.style0{enable-background:	new 0 0 772.9 115.1;}</style><style type="text/css">.st0{fill:#FFFFFF;}</style><g><path class="st0" d="M0 0h22.7c15.1 0 27.1 5.1 36.2 15.4C68 25.6 72.5 39.7 72.5 57.6c0 18.3-4.6 32.4-13.8 42.4 c-9.2 10-21 15-35.4 15H0V0z M13.4 103.4h9.5c10.9 0 19.6-4 25.9-12.2c6.4-8.1 9.5-19.3 9.5-33.7c0-14.2-3.2-25.5-9.6-33.6 c-6.4-8.2-15-12.3-25.9-12.3h-9.5V103.4z"/><path class="st0" d="M164.1 115.1H104V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M264.4 115.1h-60.1V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M304.5 0h29.2c11 0 19.9 2.8 26.5 8.3c6.6 5.5 9.9 13.2 9.9 22.9c0 9.8-3.3 17.6-9.9 23.4 c-6.6 5.8-15.3 8.8-26 8.8h-16.4v51.6h-13.4V0z M317.9 51.8h14.5c15.7 0 23.6-6.6 23.6-19.7c0-6.1-2.1-11-6.4-14.8 c-4.3-3.8-9.8-5.6-16.5-5.6h-15.2V51.8z"/><path class="st0" d="M580.7 0l-14.7 115.1h-12.4l-19.6-64.8l-19.5 64.8h-12.7L487.5 0h13.2l9.7 93.5l17-56.6h13.4l17 56.8L567.7 0 H580.7z"/><path class="st0" d="M665.2 115.1h-60.1V0h59.6v11.7h-46.2v35.6h44.4V59h-44.4v44.4h46.7V115.1z"/><path class="st0" d="M748.4 51.9c7.7 1.8 13.7 5.3 18 10.4c4.3 5.2 6.5 11.3 6.5 18.4c0 10.4-3.8 18.8-11.4 25s-16.7 9.3-27.4 9.3 h-32.7V0h31.9c11.1 0 19.8 2.4 26 7.3c6.3 4.9 9.4 11.7 9.4 20.6c0 5.4-1.8 10.3-5.4 14.5s-8.6 7.3-15 9.2V51.9z M714.9 45.7h15.7 c16.4 0 24.5-5.8 24.5-17.5c0-5.3-2-9.4-6-12.3c-4-2.9-9.9-4.3-17.7-4.3h-16.5V45.7z M714.9 103.4h15.2c8.9 0 15.9-2 21.1-6 c5.2-4 7.8-9.5 7.8-16.6c0-7.4-2.6-13.2-7.7-17.3c-5.1-4.1-12.5-6.1-22.2-6.1h-14.2V103.4z"/></g></svg>